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Posted on June 5th 2019
Year 12 Transitional Assembly
On Wednesday 5th June, our Year 12 had their Transitional Assembly. This was a special occasion for the Year 12 as they have had a brilliant year so far and so it was only right that we celebrated all of the amazing achievements and highlights this year group had experienced. Highlights were successful Lendlease applications for work experiences; students being accepted onto the EY Futures Scheme as well as the Allen & Overy programme. Students have also impressed us all with performances and direction in their drama performance of DNA and their very own published student magazine called Title which was supported by The London College of Fashion. Additionally, students have taken part in International Tennis Tournaments and joined various exciting summer schools and work experience programmes. Our Head Boy and Head Girl have also been a pleasure for the Principal and Head of Year 12 to work with so far. Last but not least, we acknowledged the success of Rag Week and the funds that were raised towards end of year Sixth Form celebrations.
As a result of such an excellent Year, students enjoyed a surprise visit from a V.I.P guest, TV and Radio personality, Melvin Odoom of BBC Radio 1, Strictly Come Dancing and many more! He was interviewed by Ms Kibela, the Head of Year 12 about his academic experience, the importance of work experience and how he stayed focused on achieving his dreams. Melvin was so impressed by his visit to Chobham Academy that he has said he is happy to come back any time to work with our students.