Curriculum Overview - Nursery
In our nursery, with its broad and stimulating curriculum, there is a careful balance between direct teaching and learning through play.
During the day there is a balance between adult-led and child-initiated activities. We believe that even during child-initiated activities, adults’ interaction with the children is essential as this helps to support the children’s understanding and so guides new learning.
The role of the adult is to continually model, demonstrate and question what the children are doing, either through participation in the children’s games or encouraging the children to participate or complete a task with the adult.
What direct teaching will my child receive in nursery?
Children have a literacy or maths lessons every day for ten minutes on the carpet. We teach maths through practical activities and in small groups and literacy is all based around a chosen, engaging weekly text.
Children begin to learn phase 1 phonics through guided activities which develop listening and attention skills and the ability to play with rhymes and alliterations. In the summer term, we begin to teach Read Write Inc, a systematic phonics programme.
What kind of activities will be on offer for my child?
Children are offered a variety of different activities throughout the day, both indoor and outdoor as part of our Continuous Provision (CP). These may include imaginative play, activities to help with numeracy and literacy, construction and problem-solving, story time, dance and movement and rest and relaxation.
We plan our CP carefully to link with the weekly text and take into account the seasons, any celebrations and times of the year. There is plenty of opportunity for free play to allow children to be inventive and use their imaginations. We also provide Forest School sessions as part of outdoor learning.
What is the academy’s behaviour management policy?
Harris Academy Chobham promotes a high standard of behaviour to ensure we have an atmosphere where outstanding learning can take place. In Nursery, we promote positive praise and teach positive interactions. You can find a link to the academy’s behaviour management policy on our Teaching and Learning page.
Outdoor learning
We feel very lucky that at Harris Academy Chobham all children will take part in a variety of outdoor learning lessons over the year. A member of our staff is a qualified Forest School Leader and supports us in these lessons which are held in the local area or in the academy grounds.
This is an exciting opportunity for children to have lessons in the outdoor environment linking in social skills and a variety of learning opportunities to support children’s wellbeing and their lessons.
These sessions will provide teaching and learning opportunities, which will include time and space to develop skills and positive relationships with the natural world. They encourage curiosity and increase children’s self-confidence, resilience and self-esteem. Through providing these experiences we aim to:
- Provide creative and exciting opportunities for all learners
- Enhance academic success for all our children
- Provide a language rich environment
- Develop children who are resilient when faced with new challenges
- Develop self-esteem and self-confidence via practical learning experiences
- Encourage collaboration and support through positive peer partnerships
- Develop an inquisitive and positive relationship with the natural world
- Respect each other and the world around us.
When will outdoor learning take place?
Nursery and Reception take part in Nature Nurture weekly lessons throughout the school year.
When pupils move into Year 1- 6, they take part in Science in Nature days, Outdoor Classroom days and Forest School days at varying points cross the year, every year. These take place in the school day and link their learning in science and other subjects to the local environment and the world around them. Look out for your year group letter to find out when these will take place.
What does my child need to wear for outdoor learning?
They will ALWAYS need to bring into school clothes to change into:
- Long sleeved top and jumper
- Tracksuits bottoms
- Socks (above the ankle in length) – these should not be school socks in case they get wet so that children have dry socks to change into
- Old trainers or wellies that may get wet and muddy
Your child WILL get dirty, so please only send your child to school in clothes that you don’t mind getting muddy.
If it is cold/ wet, they will also need:
- Waterproof coat
- Waterproof trousers if they have them
- Wellies if they have them (Wellies are good at keeping feet dry but not very good at keeping feet warm unless you have a few pairs of socks on.)
Lots of layers are more effective than a single thicker layer in terms of protecting from the cold.)
If it is hot and sunny, they will also need:
- If it is sunny please apply sunscreen before your child comes to school
- A sun hat
Full details of the curriculum can be found in the Subjects area of our website.