Dress Code
All students are expected to dress in a professional or business-like manner. Clothing needs to reflect the professional environment of the Academy.
Students need to be mindful that although there is a difference in circumstances in Sixth Form, younger students will always compare what Sixth Form students are wearing with what they are prohibited from wearing.
Sixth Form students need to be aware that they are regarded as role models and consistent standards of professional attire help set a purposeful and business-like manner.
We expect all students to dress in a professional manner as would be expected in a formal corporate environment. For example, tailored suits or smart trousers and tops for women, and a formal blazer, tailored skirts should be at knee length or longer. Tailored shirts and ties are expected for men. Footwear should be smart and formal. The following items of clothing are not allowed unless there are specific requirements and authorisation has been gained from the Head of Sixth Form.
- Leisure or sportswear (except for PE and sports events);
- Denim Jeans;
- Trainers;
- Boots including Dr Martens;
- Kickers Shoes;
- Flip flops;
- Leggings;
- Shorts;
- Visible body piercings (other than earrings and nose stud) and tattoos (unless covered);
- T-shirts/vests;
- Clothing made of sheer fabric exposing underwear;
- Baseball caps.
This list is not exhaustive and the Head of Sixth Form and other members of the Leadership Team have the discretion to review what may or may not be appropriate.
Smart and business-like
Students must ensure their appearance is smart, business like and appropriate for the tasks undertaken. Individual colouring of hair is permitted but must adhere to this requirement. The Academy reserves the right to make a judgement in keeping with a professional environment.
The Sixth Form recognises that Sixth Form students are entitled to wear cosmetics not offered to students in the lower school so allow students to wear makeup and aesthetic nail decoration. We ask students to consider the professional style of their makeup and nails, so do not allow excessive use of fake eyelashes. Nail art must be professional in appearance i.e. not multicoloured, and length must be appropriate to carry out schoolwork. Staff within the Academy have the discretion to challenge students where appearance is not deemed professional.
The Sixth Form values and recognises the diversity of cultures, religions and disabilities of their students and will take a sensitive approach when this affects dress requirements. The Sixth Form will usually accommodate appropriate religious and cultural dress and appearance unless it creates a health and safety risk to you or other people.