Key Stage 4 Options
The KS4 course preferences brochure at the bottom of this page has been collated by us at Harris Academy Chobham to guide you through the preferences process.
This, along with the information shared during preferences evening and a series of preferences assemblies during the Spring term, are designed to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the range of courses available to you.
We want you to confidently make informed choices for the next phase of your education to give the best possible chance of success, so that you can progress onto post-16 study or training.
The choices you make now will likely impact the choices you have at a later stage so we want to make sure you get it right!
The preferences process
22nd January: Year 9 Parents'/Carers' Preferences Evening - this event will explain the preferences process and explain the choices that will be made.
Throughout February: Taster sessions - subject leads will provide you with details about GCSE course choices, these are particularly useful for learning about subjects that you do not study during key stage 3.
12th March: Parents'/Carers' Evening - this provides a further opportunity to discuss your preferences with subject specialist staff to finalise your choices.
14th March: Course preferences form submission - courses are not allocated on a first come first served basis, all forms that are submitted by the deadline will be treated equally.
Throughout April: Allocating courses - these will be made based on your preferences form. Any arising issues will be discussed on an individual basis.
Week beginning 19th May: Year 9 assessment week - final course allocations will be made based on student outcomes. For example, if 35 students choose a course that has a capacity for 32, those who perform best during the assessment week will be allocated the places.
Week beginning 30th June: Students will be informed of their confirmed courses for key stage 4 study.
What to consider
You should think carefully about what choices are correct for you.
You should consider what you might like to study in key stage 5 and if you need a particular GCSE subject to do so.
You should discuss your choices with parents/carers, form tutors, subject teachers and your heads of year.
You should consider the subjects that you perform best in when making choices.
You should consider the range of subjects that you are choosing to give a broad and balanced curriculum.
Core subjects
These include GCSE English Language, GCSE English Literature, GCSE Mathematics and GCSE Science. All students must study these to GCSE level and will not be able to 'drop' any of them. All students will also follow a non-examined course in Physical Education throughout their time in Key Stage 4.
The English Baccalaureate (EBacc)
The EBacc is a selection of subjects that are chosen by the majority of students at Harris Academy Chobham. However, the EBacc courses are not always the most appropriate for everyone and there will be an opportunity to discuss different options during the process if necessary. The EBacc recognises students who have gained a grade 4-9 in the following subject categories:
- GCSE English (Language or Literature at Grade 4+)
- GCSE Mathematics
- GCSE Science
- GCSE Spanish or Mandarin
- GCSE History or Geography
For more information on the Ebacc visit English Baccalaureate (EBacc) - GOV.UK (
This is now your chance to review the information below and consider your own Key Stage 4 Course Preferences and identify those that you believe will give you the greatest chance of future success. Please do seek our advice and guidance along the way. Remember that you will take the grades you get at GCSE with you for the rest of your life, so choose subjects carefully with this in mind.