Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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About Our Secondary School

PerryHarris Academy Chobham is an established, outstanding all-through school serving families in its local community.

Chobham is a school where all students are recognised as individuals and appreciated for their own unique personality and talents. Everyone is encouraged to be the best they can be and nobody is allowed to fail.

At Chobham all of our staff team are dedicated to achieving high standards of excellence and to helping young people develop into active, articulate and conscientious citizens.

We are determined that all young people at the Academy should be entitled to the very best education, including:

  • A personalised approach which recognises all students as individuals and provides for them accordingly
  • Exciting lessons which engage students and enable them to do their very best
  • An outstanding personal development curriculum that embodies our ICHEER values and prepares our students for success and happiness in whatever they do.  
  • A focus on developing learning and social skills which will be of benefit to students in their lives at and beyond school
  • Dedicated coaching on higher education and employment opportunities, motivating students and helping them to make the right choices
  • The opportunity to join our amazing Sixth Form.

We really value our partnership with you as parents and want you to feel properly involved in your child’s education. To help achieve this, you will receive regular reports on your child’s progress as well as newsletters and invitations to Academy events.

I hope you are as excited and enthused as we are at the prospect of your child joining us at Chobham. The Academy provides fantastic facilities and a great atmosphere together with the excellent education that is the hall mark of all Harris Academies.

Please do come along to our next admissions event or contact us if you would like to arrange a tour.

Francesca Perry, Principal, September 2025

Secondary Newsletter - Latest Issue

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